News & Events

25 Years and Counting

When Julie moved from Hissom Memorial Center to her own home in Tulsa, it was important to her, her interdisciplinary team and her family that she live in the world just like everyone else in her age and stage of life.  Of course, an important part of life for the 20-something that she was, was to get a job and start building a career. Fortunately for Julie, a member of her team had a connection at EMSA in Tulsa.

EMSA- Emergency Medical Services Authority is Tulsa’s medical emergency response system that provides ambulance service for the Tulsa metro area. Shortly after landing a job with EMSA, Julie had a hitch and needed a new vocational provider.  Things had been a little rocky at work for her and she needed some added support with job duties and building relationships with co-workers.

BiosWork was the lucky organization selected to help Julie maintain her job. Our Employment Specialist began regular visits with her supervisor to really understand job expectations, which included ensuring all ambulances have the supplies and linens needed when they go out on runs to save lives.  The Employment Specialist worked to ensure Julie understood and had the support she needed to meet her job requirements.

Over time, Julie’s funny, friendly personality shone through and with the support provided by BiosWork, co-workers and supervisors began to get to know her. They started including her in office parties and hanging out with her on breaks and during lunch.  One supervisor, in particular, was very close to her and spent countless hours ensuring that everything was going well with Julie’s job at EMSA. She really valued both the worked Julie did and the contribution she made to the team just by being a part of them.

The EMSA team has thrown many celebrations of Julie’s milestones over the years and Julie celebrated her 25th anniversary with EMSA a few years ago. Bios is proud of Julie and her success and is honored to have supported her successful EMSA career through the years.



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